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The Real Problem:

Technological Maladaptation

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It's not your fault.

The pain, discomfort, and lack of function in your body is a normal response to the modern environment we live in.

It’s what I like to call technological maladaptation.

Your body has adapted to using computers, sitting in chairs/cars too much, and wearing unnatural footwear.

The result is a dysfunctional, disorganized, and painful body with muscle imbalances, joint stiffness, and limited range of motion.

Here's the big problem...

Doing normal workouts on top of this poor foundation will create a ticking time bomb in your body!

Any physical activity becomes risky…

Swinging a golf club or hitting a tennis ball turns into a high-risk activity.

Even riding a stationary bike might be causing more harm than good.

Or worse case scenario, you awkwardly reach to put your bag in an overhead bin and you throw out your back.

Maybe this is your reality right now?

I know it must feel frustrating as hell to wake up feeling old, stiff, and in pain…

Or always feeling like you’re one bad step away from throwing out your back.

I know because I was there not too long ago. (good news, there’s a way out if you keep reading).

I remember having these moments of intense fear worrying about a future without movement or sports or being able to do the things I want to do.

And it spilled over into other parts of my life…

I had less self confidence and little to no motivation.

My relationships suffered and my productivity was terrible.

Some mornings I would wake up stiff and in pain and say to myself..

“Screw it, I guess this aging thing does suck. I might as well get comfy on the couch and reminisce about the good ole days..”

And then one day, a 10-yr old kid publicly shamed me for having man boobs in front of a group of 50 people. That was the final straw that spurred me into action to make a change.

I hit the books hard, studied everything I could about movement, strength, nutrition, and behavior change. I met a few critical mentors that gave me the confidence to help others. I experimented on myself and started helping people get stronger and more fit.

I helped people create simple habits in their lives to shed body fat and keep it off.

Fast forward 10 years later and at 44 I’m in the best shape of my life doing all the things I want with tons of energy and pain-free.

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And I’ve been helping others for more than a decade.

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So let me turn this back to you...

What if I told you there was a way out?

That you didn’t have to feel depressed about the way your body feels and looks.

That you didn’t have to stress about a future of inactivity and sickness?

That you could wake up feeling good in a strong, resilient body with lots of self confidence.

Well good news - there is a way to bring this strength, balance and pain-free movement back into your life..

And it doesn’t require yoga or any fancy equipment.

After almost 15 years experimenting on myself and hundreds of other guys I work with, I’ve come up with a simple solution to fight back against this technological maladaptation.

It’s called the SLAC Solution and it will transform the way your body moves and feels. It only takes a few minutes a day.

Here's what's possible...

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SLAC = Strength in Length, Active Core

When you do specific exercises that create strength through length with an active core, you start building a bulletproof body. You give your nervous system the right inputs so that it can heal damaged tissues and build more capacity.

You get more balance into your joints and have more range of motion in your body. This makes those same activities we talked about before - tennis, golf, jogging, biking, etc - LESS risky because you have more strength and mobility in your body.

The SLAC system will allow you to be more active during the day which will create a positive flywheel effect that keeps energy high and your body functioning well.

You start sleeping better. Eating better.

You’re more productive. More focused.

Doing random workouts and stretches might have worked when you’re 25, but after 40, you gotta focus on your specific issues using strength through length.

And when you combine that with a strong core / trunk, you become a new man.

More resilient. More bulletproof.

The time is now. This can be your reality.

And I can show you the way.

You ready?

It's not your fault.

The pain, discomfort, and lack of function in your body is a normal response to the modern environment we live in.

It’s what I call technological maladaptation.

Your body has adapted to using computers, sitting in chairs/cars too much, and wearing unnatural footwear.

The result is a dysfunctional, disorganized, and painful body with muscle imbalances, joint stiffness, and limited range of motion.

Here's the big problem...

If you put normal exercise on top of this poor foundation, you create a ticking time bomb in your body!

Any physical activity becomes risky…

Swinging a golf club or hitting a tennis ball turns into a high risk activity.

Even riding a stationary bike might be causing more harm than good.

Or worse case scenario, you awkwardly reach to put your bag in an overhead bin and you throw your back out.

Maybe this is your reality right now?

It must feel frustrating as hell waking up feeling old, stiff, and in pain…

Or always feeling like you’re one bad step away from throwing out your back.

I know because I was there not too long ago. (good news, there’s a way out if you keep reading).

I remember having these moments of intense fear worrying about a future without movement or sports or being able to do the things I want to do.

And it spilled over into other parts of my life…

I had less self confidence and little to no motivation.

My relationships suffered and my productivity was terrible.

Some mornings I would wake up stiff and in pain and say to myself..

Screw it, I guess this aging thing does suck. I might as well get comfy on the couch and reminisce about the good ole days..”

And then one day, a 10-yr old kid publicly shamed me for having man boobs in front of a group of 50 people. That was the final straw that spurred me into action to make a change.

I hit the books hard, studied everything I could about movement, strength, nutrition, and behavior change. I met a few critical mentors that gave me the confidence to help others. I experimented on myself and started helping people get stronger and more fit.

I helped people create simple habits in their lives to shed body fat and keep it off.

Fast forward 10 years later and at 44 I’m in the best shape of my life doing all the things I want with tons of energy and pain-free.

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And I’ve been helping others for more than a decade do the same thing..

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So let me turn this back to you…

What if I told you there was a way out?

That you didn’t have to feel depressed about the way your body feels and looks.

That you didn’t have to stress about a future of inactivity and sickness?

That you could wake up feeling good in a strong, resilient body with lots of self confidence.

Well good news - there is a way to bring this strength, balance and pain-free movement back into your life..

And it doesn’t require yoga or any fancy equipment.

After almost 15 years experimenting on myself and hundreds of other guys I work with, I’ve come up with a simple solution to fight back against this technological maladaptation.

It’s called the SLAC Solution and it will transform the way your body moves and feels. It only takes a few minutes a day.

Here's what's possible...

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SLAC = Strength in Length, Active Core

When you do specific exercises that create strength through length with an active core, you start building a bulletproof body. You give your nervous system the right inputs so that it can heal damaged tissues and build more capacity.

You get more balance into your joints and have more range of motion in your body. This makes those same activities we talked about before - tennis, golf, jogging, biking, etc - LESS risky because you have more strength and mobility in your body.

The SLAC system will allow you to be more active during the day which will create a positive flywheel effect that keeps energy high and your body functioning well.

You start sleeping better. Eating better.

You’re more productive. More focused.

Doing random workouts and stretches might have worked when you’re 25, but after 40, you gotta focus on your specific issues using strength through length.

And when you combine that with a strong core / trunk, you become a new man.

More resilient. More bulletproof.

The time is now. This can be your reality.

And I can show you the way.

You ready?

What Others Are Saying...

It is the first time in years that I have been able to play hockey without chronic shoulder and elbow pain. Thanks Nick!

Don F. Age 60, Medical Doctor
Don F. Age 60
Medical Doctor

“Nick was able to diagnose my hip issues and quickly get me on track with a simple targeted program that only took a few minutes per day!

Dave S, age 62, Professional Photographer
Dave S, age 62
Professional Photographer

I’ve had many fitness coaches in the last 10 years and nothing beats the experience I’ve had with Nick

Haaz Reda, age 38, Software programmer
Haaz Reda, age 38
Software programmer

Nick has great understanding how the body moves and the workouts were the perfect way to keep me in shape

Barry, age 59, Psychologist
Barry, age 59

I've worked with a number of trainers the past 15 years and I have yet to meet someone as well informed as Nick. He understands human biology like few in the fitness industry. He is the complete trainer coach.

Sultan, age 45, Investor
Sultan, age 45

My body feels great, and I can surf pain free. Nick is the real deal.

Neal, age 61, Business Owner
Neal, age 61
Business Owner

Frequently Asked Questions...

How is the program delivered?

This is a digital video series that you have immediate access to after purchase. Once you purchase, you will receive log-in details via email to give you course access

Do I need any special equipment or access to a gym?

No, everything can be done with bodyweight and common items that you have around the house (a towel and tennis ball are needed). I will also provide a link to some of the fun tools that I use (balance beams, mobility balls, etc).

About Nick Holt

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Nick Holt, NASM C-PT, FRC(ms)

Hey I'm Nick Holt and I'll be your guide on the journey to reclaiming your health.

You can do it, I promise!

After 7 years working in the corporate world, I found surfing which completely transformed my body and led me to move to Costa Rica over 12 years ago. I started a personal training business on the beach and grew it into a #1 attraction in a small tourist town called Tamarindo where I still live today.

With almost 30 years experimenting on myself and over a decade training and coaching men, I’ll show you the path to getting strong, fit, and flexible, no matter how old you are!

Let's do this!

I have a degree from Emory University and am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Level 2 Precision Nutrition Coach, and a Functional Range Conditioning Movement Specialist (FRC-ms).

About Your Guide

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Nick Holt, NASM C-PT, FRC(ms)

Hey I'm Nick Holt and I'll be your guide on the journey to reclaiming your health.

You can do it, I promise!

After 7 years working in the corporate world, I found surfing which completely transformed my body and led me to move to Costa Rica over 12 years ago. I started a personal training business on the beach and grew it into a #1 attraction in a small tourist town called Tamarindo where I still live today.

With almost 30 years experimenting on myself and over a decade training and coaching men, I’ll show you the path to getting strong, fit, and flexible, no matter how old you are!

Let's do this!

I have a degree from Emory University and am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Level 2 Precision Nutrition Coach, and a Functional Range Conditioning Movement Specialist (FRC-ms).



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